
The old-time radio adventures of Superman featuring the exploits of the Dynamic Duo as they help him in his never ending battle for truth and justice!

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Bat-Supe is now a proud member of the Moonlight Audio Theatre family of Podcasts, and will soon be a part of the Mutual Audio Network's Saturday Story Circle!


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The theme music tracks and any other sound effects for Bat-Supe are used under an EULA from Sound Ideas.


Sunday Feb 04, 2024

Superman has put an end to the dreaded Atom Man, but the threat is far from over. A terrible threat still remains for the entire world, and possibly most especially for Superman himself! In today's episode, Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen go looking for clues, they find danger in an unlikely place!
Looking For Kryptonite originally aired on December 4th, 1945.

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

Superman is in great danger! Though the Atom Man is no longer a threat, two pieces of Kryptonite which gave the Atom Man his deadly power and rob Superman of his strength have fallen into unknown hands! Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen continue their search for clues, but danger is hiding in the shadows. Will they find answers? Or only more questions? Find out in this episode of Bat-Supe!Part two of Looking for Kryptonite was originally broadcast on The Adventures of Superman on December 5, 1945.

Friday Feb 09, 2024

Inspector Henderson, Clark Kent, and Jimmy Olsen have discovered that Jimmy's unknown assailant has been branded with the mysterious symbol of the crescent and star! In this episode of Bat-Supe, Clark Kent decides to enlist the aid of the only man who can help him find and eliminate the threat of the Kryptonite. But he'll have to pay a high price for his help...
Part 3 of Looking For Kryptonite originally aired on December 6, 1945.
(And by the way...who's Clarence?)

Sunday Feb 11, 2024

Inside Stately Wayne Manor seeking to enlist the help of Batman, Clark Kent has found himself in a difficult position: come clean that he knows Bruce Wayne’s secret and reveal his own, or continue his search for the deadly Kryptonite alone. What will the Man of Steel do? The stakes have never been higher! 
Part 4 of Looking For Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 7, 1945.

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024

Batman and Robin have joined forces with Superman to unravel the mystery of the Crescent Moon and Star symbol. Disguised as common criminals, Batman and Robin have made contact with an underworld informant named Squealie Evers. Will Squealie sell them the information they need, or sell them out to the mob? 
Part 5 of Looking For Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 10, 1945.

Friday Feb 16, 2024

Batman and Robin are on the trail of underworld informant Squealie Evers, but Squealie knows he’s being followed! It looks like big trouble is brewing on the waterfront for the Dynamic Duo. Meanwhile, Clark Kent is convinced that Batman and Robin know more than they realize and sets out to prove it.
Part 6 of Looking For Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 11, 1945.

Sunday Feb 18, 2024

Returning to the waterfront, Clark Kent and Batman are looking for information as to the whereabouts of Squealie Evers, and decide to have a chat with the waiter at the coffee shop. But there’s only the ghost of a chance they’ll learn what they need to know in today’s episode of Bat-Supe! Plus, in today's Important Message, we'll hear from Superman himself!
Part 7 of Looking For Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 12, 1945.

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

Superman and Batman and Robin have split up in their search for the answer to the Crescent Moon and Star symbol. Superman is trailing Squealie Evers, while a disguised Batman and Robin are investigating The Golden Lily, a waterfront nightclub known to be frequented by underworld characters when Batman spots the symbol in an unlikely place… Plus: in today's Important Message, we'll meet Billy!
Part 8 of Looking For Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 13, 1945.

Friday Feb 23, 2024

Batman and Robin have fallen into a trap, and Superman is a hundred miles away tracking Squealie Evers. Surrounded by thugs with guns, the Dynamic Duo are confronted by “Mr. Smith” and are captured and taken into a Sanitarium as prisoners. But prisoners of who…? Plus: there's big news in today's Important Message!
Part 9 of Looking For Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 14, 1945.

Sunday Feb 25, 2024

The Dynamic Duo are trapped in Room Zero facing imminent death while Superman in his guise of Clark Kent is still looking for them at the Golden Lily. Will he be able to find them before the ceiling falls and Batman and Robin become Flatman and Ribbon? Find out in this exciting episode of Bat-Supe! Plus: in today's Important Message, there's more information about our new Swell Prizes!
Part 10 of Looking for Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 17, 1945.

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

Batman and Robin remain trapped in Room Zero with only minutes left to live! Meanwhile, Clark Kent and Inspector Henderson are desperately searching for clues at the Golden Lily Nightclub. Playing a wild hunch, Kent is betting it all on learning the whereabouts of the Dynamic Duo. Will he make it in time? Find out in this exciting episode of Bat-Supe! Plus: In today’s Important Message, there’s good news and bad news about the Swell Prizes…
Part 11 of Looking for Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 18, 1945.

Friday Mar 01, 2024

The Dynamic Duo are still trapped in Room Zero and are almost out of time! Superman has launched himself into the air on a desperate search for his friends. Will he make it in time? Will Room Zero claim two victims? Is this the actual end of Batman and Robin? Find out in this exciting episode of Bat-Supe! Plus: There’s a new update about the Swell Prizes in today’s Important Message! 
Part 12 of Looking for Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 19, 1945.

Sunday Mar 03, 2024

After saving Batman and Robin from certain death in Room Zero, Superman collared 11 members of the Crescent Moon and Star Gang. But their leader, Mr. Jones, is in the wind, and the trail of the Scarlet Widow and the stolen Kryptonite has blown away with him. Can they sweat answers out of Mr. Smith? The cliche’s will keep on coming in today's episode of Bat-Supe! Plus, in today's Important Message: a special request on behalf of grocery store workers...
Part 13 of Looking for Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 20, 1945.

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

The Scarlet Widow has been found, but only after Mr. Jones tried to silence her and made it known that he was out to finish Superman! They still need more answers, and the only one who can save the Scarlet Widow now is Dr. Baker at Metropolis Hospital! Can he save her? And if not, what will our heroes do next? …Plus, in today’s Important Message, the wait is nearly over for the Big Announcement of our very first Swell Prize!
Part 14 of Looking For Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 21, 1945

Friday Mar 08, 2024

Clark Kent and Inspector Henderson’s search for the stolen Kryptonite has led them to Thayer and Son Jewelers, where they’ve discovered that Mr. Jones’s smashed atomizer has a twin. A twin that has been sold to a “Mister Phillips” and was to be picked up by a mysterious woman. But much to the shock of Kent and the Inspector, the atomizer was being picked up by none other than Lois Lane! What will they do? How will they proceed? Is Lois in on the plot to kill Superman? Find out in this episode of Bat-Supe! Plus: the wait is over! You'll finally learn what the very first Bat-Supe swell prize is!
Part 15 of Looking For Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 24, 1945
Special thanks to Ted Davenport for his contribution to this episode!

Sunday Mar 10, 2024

Having followed the trail of Lois Lane to a church where she’s singing in the choir under the direction of a Mr. Phillips, Inspector Henderson is convinced that Mr. Phillips is actually Mr. Jones in disguise. But Clark Kent isn’t so sure. Can he find Batman in time to help make a positive ID? Find out in this thrilling episode of Bat-Supe! Plus, in today's Important Message, how to make the most of our first Swell Prize!
Part 16 of Looking For Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 25, 1945

Monday Mar 11, 2024

Episode #17 is a Bat-Supe EXTRA! In this Bonus Episode, we want you to cast your mind back to Episode 10 of Bat-Supe, while when trapped in Room Zero and facing certain death from the falling ceiling, you heard Robin say: "It'll be Ceiling Zero soon. Too soon!"
But did you know that “Ceiling Zero” was actually a 1936 movie about aviation that starred James Cagney, Pat O’Brien, and Stuart Erwin? Not only that, a radio adaptation of the film was presented on the Lux Radio Theatre! In this Special Episode of Bat-Supe, we’ll bring you that episode of the Lux Radio Theatre in its entirety! So grab some popcorn, dim the lights, and enjoy James Cagney, Ralph Bellamy, and Stuart Erwin in the Lux Radio Theatre’s rendition of “Ceiling Zero”: a Bat-Supe Extra for your entertainment!
Ceiling Zero was originally broadcast on the Lux Radio Theatre on February 27, 1939

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

Believing they’ve finally caught up with Mr. Jones disguised as Mr. Phillips, Inspector Henderson, Clark Kent, and Batman are surprised when Mr. Phillips volunteers to tell them a secret, provided they return to his house. Feeling they have nothing to lose, and accompanied by Lois Lane, they agree. What is Mr. Phillips about to reveal? Will it help them find Mr. Jones and the missing shards of Kryptonite? Find out in this intriguing episode of Bat-Supe! Plus, in today's Important Message, we'll learn more ways you can have fun with our first Swell Prize!
Part 17 of Looking For Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 26, 1945

Friday Mar 15, 2024

Discovering that Mr. Phillips is the twin brother of Mr. Jones, Clark Kent, Batman, and Inspector Henderson set out to discover the whereabouts of the elusive Mr. Jones. Believing that Jones or an accomplice will call on Phillips to retrieve the atomizer he bought for his brother, the trio lies in wait hoping to capture the criminal mastermind. But Jones always seems to be one step ahead of them. Will they nab him? Will they find the missing Kryptonite? Find out in this thrilling episode of Bat-Supe! Plus, in today’s Important Message, there’s a special tip about the care and cleaning of your Swell Prize!
Part 18 of Looking For Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 27, 1945

Sunday Mar 17, 2024

Having retrieved the Atomizer from under the noses of Inspector Henderson, Clark Kent, and Batman, Mr. Jones has set up a meeting with The Laugher, who is now in possession of one of the two missing shards of Kryptonite. Will The Laugher be willing to part with the Kryptonite for the price Jones is offering? Can he afford not to? This episode is no joke! Plus, in today’s Important Message, we’ll have a visit from Superman himself!
Part 19 of Looking For Kryptonite was originally broadcast on December 28, 1945

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